In Kovintrade center for cutting sheet metal, we operate with three modern numerically controlled cutting machines - two for autogenous  flame cutting and one  for plasma cutting. With these machines we are able to cut a wide variety of forms from all qualities of steel. As mentioned in the introduction we cut on the bases of traditional designs,drawings or graphics file formats (DXF, DWG - AutoCAD version 2007 or earlier) which can be sent to our mailbox: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Our machines enable us to cut from steel sheets and stainless steel sheets with a maximum width of 3000 mm and maximum length of 12000 mm. The weight of a single panel is limited to 12000 kg.

In our storage facilities we have a stock of a wide range of qualities of thick sheet metal and that reflects in our rapid delivery times. We can also offer all types of formatted sheet at competitive prices. According to your requirements, we can also order plates of other grades in a relatively short period of delivery.

We do not just offer services of cutting on our own material, should you need the service of cutting alone on your own material we would be happy to oblige to your needs.

The cut pieces can also be mechanically processed. Mechanical procession includes the grinding of the edges and interior holes and straightening.

Also, the products can be restampled and for them we issue a certificate of restempling! We must warn you that this certificate is not the same certificate 3.2, which can be issued only to certified institution!



Picture 1: Restamp of cutting pieces

More about autogen and plazma cutting you wil find in avtogen cutting and plasma cutting